
Friday, November 26, 2021

My buddy writing story. title:piper

 Hey everyone me and my buddy Merric were reading to each other but he read me his writing.Merrick read his writing to me but he wrote it in his writing book. So i wrote it down on my chromebook and i'm going to blog it. I hope you enjoyed Merrick 

Once upon a time there was a dog called Piper. Piper did not like the bird.Piper is not a bird he is a dog.A  man told Piper to stop wolfing.The bird came back, but the mantry to kill the bird. the dog was sad so the dog gave worms to the bird.

By Nixon and Merrick

Friday, November 5, 2021

Camp recount

              School camp.

At camp we got to do a huge amount of stuff there, like rock climbing, ziplines, the moner rail which went down a massive hill. My favourite activity was the zipline because you got to go kinda fast, also the monorail was my second favourite. But when we were on the bus I thought we were already at living springs but we had to walk there for 3 hours, it was really difficult. The walk was the most frustrating thing about camp. After we had all of those activities we had an auction, then dinner. The most exciting thing was the school concert. We had to do something like singing, dancing or basketball skills, and i did basketball.

My favourite thing about camp was swimming because there was a basketball hoop near the pool so we could shoot, but we got really tired because we went under water with no goggles. In the school concert the judges had colorful wigs, they were like professionals. People were doing heaps of magic tricks that was probably my favourite thing about the school concert. The thing I didn't like was that I had a very sore tummy from being so tired that made me feel a bit sick.

On the second we woke up and we had breakfast, for breakfast we had rice bubbles,corn flakes,peaches,and also toast. my favourite thing i had was rice bubbles and peaches.After that Ruru had free time and i was playing basketball and it was me Devon, and Zia, then it was Dwayne,Kamyar,and ansu.

Also on the second we got to do low ropes,rock climbing/bouldering,bush ecology,and also initiatives.

On the third day we had breakfast the exact same as day two rice bubbles,corn flakes,peaches,and also toast. We had 15 minutes of free time outside then we packed up our bunks and that took half an hour.After that we got to have lunch and we had i think pasta and chicken then we had the survival game and that was really hard because at the end there was a hunter which had a gun and could shoot us but lucky for the native birds they were not are supposed to get shot, and i was one of those people.After all of that we went on the bus and we went back to school


Friday, October 22, 2021


 hey readers next week me and Ruru are going on a trip to living springs for camp, 

for reading this we have to do three sentences about a book that we had to read.

WALT Make meaning of extended texts.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Jordan the Ox.


Hey readers this week we had to make a comic strip about your favourite scene to recreate into a 5-piece comic strip. 

I hope you like it byee.

WALT.use personal experience and literacy knowledge to make meaning from texts 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

kupe and the giant wheke t3 wk9

 WALT: analyse and evaluate the actions and storylines of maori myths and legends.

Description.  hey bloggers this week it has been Maori language week so we have been reading about Maori myths. So i choosed Kupe and the giant Wheke/octopus, and all my information is in my google slide, so i hope it is really good. byee

This is create task two. we had to complete a evaluation and give 3 reasons as to why you agree or disagree with statement about your story.

This is my create task 3.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

How Maui discovered fire


WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and storylines of Maori myths and legends. 

Description: Hi readers this week it has been Maori language week so i picked, How Maui discovered fire.
So you can find out the information in my google slide. Tell me if it is goodbye!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2021


Description: Hey bloggers this week we have been reading about famous Olympians, and i chose Sophie Pascoe. Sophie is a really good swimmer that came first which is gold and her father wew in a lawn mower accident. She had her left leg amputated below the knee. i hope you liked my blog post byee.

 WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related text.

   TASK 2.


Monday, August 9, 2021

Sarah Walker Olympic Champion

 Description: Hey bloggers we have been reading about Olympic champions,i picked Sarah Walker because  i really like BMX because i like riding bikes.Sarah Walker came 2nd and got silver. `

Friday, July 2, 2021

Alexander Graham Bell


WALT: locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

Hi guys this week we have been reading about people that are famous for an a invention, and i chose a guy called Alexander Graham Bell and he invented telephones. A interesting thing about Bell he thought of the idea but he did not do it on his own. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

What is a compound sentence

 Hey bloggers in writing we have been doing simple sentences and compound sentences.

If you dont know what a compound sentences is this is what it is.  A compound sentence is two ideas that need a verb a noun and also a fanboy.

Friday, June 25, 2021


 WALT: Summarise and analyse ideas and information from different texts.

Hey readers this week i have been watching about Matariki.

Matariki-Seven stars


whetu-Number 7

Stars- a bull of burning gases in space, seen from the earth as a tiny point of light in the sky at night.

korero -a conversation, discussion, or any nutritious substance that people or a meeting 

Food- any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.

Land- it is a part of Earth's surface

Matariki-Seven stars


whetu-Number 7

Stars- a bull of burning gases in space, seen from the earth as a tiny point of light in the sky at night.

korero -a conversation, discussion, or any nutritious substance that people or a meeting 

Food- any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.

Land- it is a part of Earth's surface not covered by sea. The ground or soil. 

Whenua- country.

family - parents and their children.

Whanau- parents and their children.

Event-a thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance.

not covered by sea. The ground or soil. 

Whenua- country.

family - parents and their children.

Whanau- parents and their children.

Event-a thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance.



Thursday, June 17, 2021

The tale of Peter Rabbit 17/6/21

Hey bloggers this week i have been reading The tale of Peter rabbit and this is my WALT: Making connection between ourselves, other text in the world.The story was about a Rabbit called Peter he wants to go in McGregors garden but McGregor hates Rabbits like Peter but Peter really wanted to go to his garden but his mum said not to because McGregor will make him into a pie. But Peter dident listen to his mum and just when into his garden and he was just walking around but McGregor was doing gardening but Peter dident see him and Peter just sat down but McGreogor heard him and McGregor came closely and Peter saw and peter ran, Peter was so scared he was like in his mind i should of listened to his mum so peter ran as fast as he could then Peter slide under the gate and ran away back to his mum. So he learned a lesson from his mum to never ever go to McGregors garden.     

 Make five connections between your chosen text and...Make five connections between your chosen text and...Make five connections between your chosen text and...bhMake five connections between your chosen text and... five connections between your chosen text and...

Task 1 Making connection to the story.

  • Getting my stuff 

  • Didn't listen and got told off

  • I nearly died 

  • Lost my cloths and dident find them.

  • I nearly listened to a stranger.

Movie/text connections

  • Peter rabbit 2

  • Jumanji

  • Space jam

  • Bambi

  • The tale of peter rabbit

connection to the outside world.

  • Animal cruelty 

  • Animal testing

  • Animal sing

  • Animal getting abused

  • Animal abuse

TASK 2. This is my diagram

Task 3.

My chosen connection:

Why have you chosen this connection? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. 

Who is involved? McGregor and peter rabbit 

What happened? Peter rabbit wanted food but McGregor wouldn't let him if Peter rabbit tried, McGregor would make him into a pie.

Where did it happen? McGregor's garden

Why did it happen? It happened because Peter Rabbit was really hungary.

When did it happen? It was during the day time

Websites that I used…




Friday, June 11, 2021

prince zak and the frog

task 1. Hi readers i have been reading about prince Zak and the frog. My story is about a prince called Zak has a rubber ball that was red he extremely loved that ball he played with it 24 7 but he threw it and the ball bounced off the ground and went into a hole that was filled with water and they needed to get it out so he used a hose to fill it up to over flow it but it didn't work.he asked a frog that could talk and were trying to figure out how to get the ball out so the frog had a idea it was the hohbhbse again and the prince said i have already done that but they tried and it worked so they lived happily ever after.

WALT: Use prior knowledge when making text - to-text connection.


= is youjundsvjndvsjnquj3ewfjndsr story about? Write down the different characters, where the story irdhfjufsndjs set, what problem the main character faced and how they solved it.

Characters.         The main character is prince zak. And there was the mum and the dad but they were not in the story but they were mentioned by prince zak and there is a frog that could talk. 

Where was it set             The story was set at a farm with a pond and it was at a palace.

What is the problem The problem was the prince Zak was going to throw a rubber ball that was hollow and he threw it and it went into a post hole that was on the lawn and there was water in it.

They solved it by a hose and put it in the hole and made it over flow and the rubber ball was on the lawn. The talking frog actually thought of that idea. That how they solved it out.

The only things that can sink is heavy tools to sink but if it is small it can some times sink but sometime it floats but usually it sinks because it is lighter than the heavier ones.

Complementary text: The is video is about the princes and a frog that has a golden ball that she likes to play with.she threw it and it bounced into a dirty well.

She liked played with it for hours but of course the frog got it from the well, then he asked to sleep and eat out of the golden plate.

TASK 2. This is a comic strip.

sorry it is very bad but good enough.


Monday, May 24, 2021

Numicon work

 WALT: Decide which is the best equipment to use to help solve division number sentences. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

The hungry wave

   Hi i have been reading the hungry wave. My story was about a family that was getting ready for school and they were in a house and they meet a earthquake and also a tsunami and they got really scared and they got a big fright.their name was Ana the main character and Niko as the big brother and Miko as the little brother and mum also Ana is a girl and at the end Ana nearly drowns and nearly dies but Ana big brother saved her by pulling her bun.

WALT: Use prior knowledge when making text-to-text connection

The hungry wave.characters the main character is Ana she is a girl then she has a big brother

called Niko and another brother called miko and of course the mum.

The story was set at Samoa and in a house. And in a sea.The problem was there was a tsunami and a earthquake and Ana was drowning and Niko the

big brother saved her from drowning that is how they solved it out.

Challenge text is about a girl who hangs out with animals and makes a tornado in a bottle and saw a real tornado and said she preferred a tornado in a bottle.

Tsunamis are made by sudden movements from the ocean flow turns into earthquakes.landslides on the seafloor, land slumping into the ocean. Large volcanic eruptions are meteorite crash on the ocean floor. 

this is my 2nd create task

How you survive a earthquake. 

You have to go under a table and you have to pretend you are a turtle that would look sound like, you have to tuck your legs in and you have to put your hands over your head to protect it. if you are in school you would probably do the same. 

this is my 3rd create ask we had to make a  news paper and mine was about fire.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Numicon Maths


WALT:decide witch is the best equipment to use to solve addition number sentences.

Friday, May 14, 2021

The choice wk2 Term 2

Hello I have chosen the choice .my story was about a kid called lamb he wanted to go to watch a rugby game on tv but he had to go to church so he slept in and his mum woke him up so he pretended to have a sore tummy and his sister and brother said he is joking he just wants to watch a rugby game so his mum said you lead and then his family got to watch it and lamb didn't  get to watch it so he had to stare at a wall.

WALT: evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text

sorry mum. sorry, Lala,sorry,Lio. His mum sighed. your lucky you dident go to church got cancelled today, Lamb. you'll be able to do that competition with your brother and sister next week... no matter what. Now go to your bedroom. were all going to watch the game with grandma. And when we finished, well tell you what happened. Lamb, nodded. Oh, and lamb, his mother added.lamb was suddenly hopeful his mother was going to let him watch the game after all. yes, mum? close the door on the way out. its freezing. lambs shoulders sagged. yes

Friday, May 7, 2021

cancel the invasion wk 1

.my story was about a man that gets hit by a cricket ball by a girl she hit the ball with a bat. And the girls name was called ash her skull was made of  titanium, the problem was ash was a vampire. So ash forgot bout the teeth the man thought his blood would get sucked up.


Very good! Said the old human, still leaning on the tree. Very wise. I hoped you had the sense to do that. His voice was as large and craggy as his nose. i, began ash. what? he had no idea what to say. he said who? no one important, said the old man. there was a dry tone in his deep voice that ash heard before. leaders used it when speaking to very stupid underling. you've done well. now you go on about your day.Then the old man turned into a chicken and walked off in to the woods

Friday, April 16, 2021




Hey bloggers, this week we have been learning about Anzac day. We are learning to summaries  information about a topic in a meaningful way.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Deadliest animals wk 10

WALT: Summarise information by identifying the key words in the text 

 Reading task deadliest animals. 9/4/2021 

 Hi viewers my name is Nixon this is my post of an venn diagram and a Kahoot go check it out it is about Deadliest animals. hope you enjoy byee.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Problem with the Pluto


WALT: Reorganise information to gain an understanding of the text