
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

WALT use prior knowledge and context to predict what happen next.
what i think will happen next in comic

summer: one day the kids did swimming sports,when Max took off his socks to check if its the right way and the other kids were laughing at him. in school there was a practice drill everyone had to hide under there desk but Max was under the teachers desk and Alice was trying to make him happy by giving him a smile.Then Alice tripped over a skipping rope and hurt her self then Max went inside and put a plaster on her leg and she was crying but Max was trying to make Alice happy because Alice helped Max last time. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

my dad the soccer star

my theory comic 
WALT use prior knowledge and context to predict what will happen next.reading book name:my dad the soccer star.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

My monster

It all started a long time ago, there was a guy and his name was Sam.  Sam
 was in a big fight with a lion because he worked at a zoo, then he got eaten by the lion but he survived in it’s stomach along with a snake, a phoenix and a bull.   Soon after the lion was getting really big then he blew up and Sam turned into a monster.   

Sam is mixed up between a lion, a snake, a phoenix and a bull. The snake is the head, the bull is the body, the legs are from the lion and it has phoenix wings on it’s body.  The wings of the phoenix go very fast, fire comes out of it's wings when it is flying. He is very fast and runs around everywhere.  He looks very strong and Sam might look pretty lazy but when he sees food he will stand up and run and get it.  He lies down everywhere but he can knock trees over with the power of the phoenix's wings and the bulls head.

He is very friendly to people but not other monsters. He might look scary but he is not.  People think it will bite but he wont. Sam is a friendly monster, when he is dirty he will jump in the water and he makes the water go on fire then will be very clean and he swims around everywhere. He has the power of the sun because the phoenix wings reflex the sun and can control it.

He lives only in Samoa  and he changes colour overnight and he sleeps on his side. Sam is not the best at everything but he is the best at eating. one day he saw a big monster then he was fighting him but he was that big Sam got eaten and no one will see him again.