swim. They have sharp,white claws that help off any predators.polar bears have
transparent fur.their fur is attacht their black skin. Their fur reflects the snow thats
why it looks white.Their fur is hollow.The fur has extra fat to keep them warm as they
live in cold places.polar bears have many diffrent physical
polar bears are very heavy and large.their habitat is canada and russia and cold places like north pole.
people think polar bears have hollow.polar bears can smell 1kl meiter.polar bears eat fish and seals and
other ad other sea food.polar bears can grow up to eight feet.polar
bears hase a hole to keep them warm.polar bears also keep warm
by eating lots of food.polar bears land is becoming less,
beacause of global warming the ice where they live is melting.polar
bears mothers give birth in a cave called a den.
what would you do if you met a polar bear.did you learn anything about polar bear.